The Daily Delusion - Issue 1, 2022

289x380mm newspaper print

apophenia \ ˌa-pə-ˈfē-nē-ə \
The human tendency to see connections and patterns that are not really there—gives rise to conspiracy theories.

The Daily Delusion is a fake news paper where the majority of its content is created with AI-generated images and stories. The majority of the images and article text are “fake” including the people. On first glance, the newspaper and its content look normal and mundane. But on closer inspection, its nonsensical and absurd nature becomes apparent, only having a mere appearance of something real. The newspaper stories delve into issues of paranoia, conspiracy theories, and AI. It lightly revolves around a fictional narrative of water poisoning of a small town and the resulting governmental and corporate gaslighting. The newspaper highlights how we evaluate what “real” and “true” look like. Can the fake be as real as real things? How does fake information, outrage economy, alter our thoughts and behavior? In a post-truth time, even reality starts to feel like a simulation.

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